Sunday, February 3, 2008

Super Boring Bowl.

Okay. Today is Super Bowl Sunday. I don't like NFL Football and the only thing I really get into is the half-time show. I just got done watching it, btw. IT WAS EVEN CRAPPIER THAN A PORTAPOTTY! OMG. Who thought, "Dang. I know how we can get great ratings. Let's hire Tom Petty! Even though he hasn't seen daylight in a couple hundred years, let's get him to haul his wrinkly butt out and perform!" Okay, so it wasn't THAT bad. But it could've been a lot better.

Look at that sexy beast. Doesn't that face just scream half time gold?!?!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Hahahahaha! I agree w/ this to the 100th percent!