Wednesday, February 27, 2008

Idol Wrap-Up.


I don't normally dig dreadlocks, but yee haw. I just totally loved his performance last night. I can't believe my DAWG Randy said that he wasn't that good. Grrr. If he would let me give him a cute little buzz cut circa Chad Michal Murray in A Cinderella Story he would be BEAUTIFUL! I am going to attach a video on the end of this post for you to ogle at. (Hahaha. OGLE.)

Aside from Jason Castro's ah-mazing performance, there was someone else I could simply not take my eyes off of. FOR THE WRONG REASON. Luke Menard has to be a woman with unusual facial hair growth. He totally ruined one of my favorite songs off of Guitar Hero. Killer Queen sounds much better when sang by Queen. Not gay poopy panties Luke. His voice sounds so much like a woman I cringe everytime I hear it. I just tried to show my mom the video of him singing last night and I swear I teared up.

Also, how can our American Idol even be named Chikezie?! It really bothers me that he doesn't even HAVE a last name. WTF. Obviously, he chose that name. Why? I have no idea. If you're going to go by one name make sure it's something that sounds awesome, not something that sounds like a sneeze.

Even thought the girls haven't performed yet, I really want to express my strong dislike for Amanda Overmyer. Every song she sings is going to sound the same. She yells. She hasn't even tried to sing anything that doesn't sound just like Janis or CCR. GET OUT OF YOUR COMFORT ZONE, HO! I hate her hair, I hate her style, I loathe her voice. I don't think someone like this should win. Period. Everything about her is part of her "image". She ride a Harley. She LOVES Janis. Her favorite quote on her American Idol page is from, SHOCKER, Janis Joplin. (Sorry if I sound a bit hostile, but it kills me because my dad LOVES her. I have to get it out somehow. =P)

Here is that lovely Jason Castro video I promised. =D

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