Sunday, February 3, 2008

Ashley's Sister's NEW Illness.

Ashley's little sister Poopney is always sick. She never goes to school. I don't really now why because she goes to like the best middle school there is in the world. But I think of all the illnesses Poopney has had over the past couple years that this is the best! On Monday she told my mom that she was sick. She said that her back was hurting. So, she didn't go to school ALL week. She has been getting test, x-rays, and sonograms. Yesterday, the test results came in. And my sisters illness has..... CONSTIPATION! OMG. Yeah, that's right. CONSTIPATION. My sister has a 50,020,230 dollar medical bill and constipation. She hasn't pooped in a month she says. I don't think that is humanly possible, but it is funny.

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