Monday, February 25, 2008

Most Boss Person of the Week.

Okay, I didn't actually have a picture of this person, so I had to use a picture of someone who looked VERY similar to them (premakeover that is). You may remember this picture from a previous entry entitled "MOTH GIRL IS ON AMERICAN IDOL!". Well, it is true. Moth Girl is having a pretty boss week.
Here are just a few reasons why I feel that she is REALLY in for it this week:

1.) New haircut. Yes, she didn't wear it very stylish today, but still. It is a definite improvement from the all one length poof as seen on the left.
Her new haircut features layers angled toward her face and side bangs. Since I obviously didn't have a picture of this, I decided to draw my own interpretation. I tried as good as I could, but now I think she just looks like Garth from Wayne's World. =( (Wayne's World is btw, one of the BEST movies ever. You seriously should watch it if you haven't already.)

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