Tuesday, October 14, 2008


was boring.
At the beginning of da day I met Trash in the plazzza and we went through McDonald's drive thru and I got a mocha dat Trash said smelled like hot poop. Then we went over and met Cassidy to drive to school. After dat we went into da school and I went to the locker while the duo of wonderfulness went to da computer lab to print some papers... PROCRASTINATORS!! Then when we met up again we just talked for like 10 seconds.
After A&H I went to Mr. T's class and had a blast, as usual.
At lunch I sat with all my BFFs, except Trash, she has another lunch.
After dat we went and watched these amazing singers called the Zambiam Vocal Group!!
They were great!! Cassidy bought a CD!!!!!!! That was my day!

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