Saturday, October 18, 2008


I, Cassidy, personally believe that I should be able to go to Homecoming the way I am currently dressed! I have my hair up in a turban-ish looking thing since I just got out of the shower, I am wearing a 32748x tshirt, and some very nice PJ shorts! Why wouldn't Philip Wireman want me attending a dance in this beautiful outfit?

Well, I am going to go get my hair done today, then dropping by K-Mart to pick up my notebook from Billy Ray, and then coming back to my home to get dressed. And then I am going to my photoshoot at the lake. Hahahaha.

Do you think the outfit on the left is appropriate? I was worried about it not looking right since I am not preggers, but....

Wednesday, October 15, 2008


Okay, so one of my bffs Kristin Wireman (whom you may remember as one of the most boss person of the week winners) introduce me to a very scary/disturbing song. Kristin told me that I must watch the VERy scary video to the song and I agreed. Now, before you watch this video I must give you some background info on this. Kristin has been listening to this song since she was about 8-ish! CAN YOU BELIEVE IT!!! Scary!

And yes, he is saying:
"You're the one that I adore,
You'll always be my whore..."

Tuesday, October 14, 2008

Poor Johnny!!!

John Travolta was filming From Paris With Love, on location but it has been suspended after 10 prop cars were set on fire at the housing projects where filming was to be staged. This sounds ghetto!!!!!!

Until now I thought that cars being torched was a sign of happiness. I guess things are different in France than they are here in Kentucky!!

90 residents from the neighborhood were scheduled to appear as extras in the film, but now since they are on fire they can't be put into a film!! Although a dinky little fire wouldn't stop Cassidy from making her big debut!

Ridiculously, filming is at a standstill while the incident is investigated and the crew considers options.

Looks like the French aren't fond of Travolta!! I thought everybody like men who dressed up like fat women on television!!


was boring.
At the beginning of da day I met Trash in the plazzza and we went through McDonald's drive thru and I got a mocha dat Trash said smelled like hot poop. Then we went over and met Cassidy to drive to school. After dat we went into da school and I went to the locker while the duo of wonderfulness went to da computer lab to print some papers... PROCRASTINATORS!! Then when we met up again we just talked for like 10 seconds.
After A&H I went to Mr. T's class and had a blast, as usual.
At lunch I sat with all my BFFs, except Trash, she has another lunch.
After dat we went and watched these amazing singers called the Zambiam Vocal Group!!
They were great!! Cassidy bought a CD!!!!!!! That was my day!

Monday, October 13, 2008


Business Law is the dumbest class in the whole wide world. I really feel that I shouldn't have to have this class in order to complete my major. I mean, who cares if I don't know what embezzelment is!? At least I won't have to worry about this STUPID class!
If you can look to the right, you can see my emotions at the moment.
Well, I must go slave away for this stupid class!

Sunday, October 12, 2008

OMG! We're Back From Hiatus!

JEALOUS?!?!? Your favorite blog is back. Yesss. I bet you guys thought we were just a fading trend like Blackle! But no, we are here to stay!

Cassidy and Ashley are currently being very lazy bums and making a CD for their enjoying pleasure.

Here are a few quick updates that may be elaborated further in the future:
2.) Ashley and Billy got the license!
3.) Ashley and Cassidy got new cellulars! YIPEE!
4.) Twilight is a way of life. (TRUE DAT!)
5.) Just because a dress is short, doesn't mean you can't wear it to a public function. (I.E. Church, a funeral, Wedding)
6.) The American Idols are a lot nicer and sing better in person.
7.) The best season of the Real World is currently taping! DELONG HOLLER, REPRESENNNNNT!

Those are just a few things that may be mentioned in upcoming posts. But until then, see you latoooooore.